2022 Guest Speakers

March 2022     Jo Hayter

 Joanna Hayter spoke about her wide experience in international development and peace and security ranging across 4 continents and 31 countries.   She also drew our attention to the Gender Gap Report 2021  which shows how far Australia's position has slipped in recent years.   As a result, SWAN and individual members sent emails to candidates and politicians asking for their attention to this disgraceful situation.  

May 2022   BRASA Protest

Judy Carroll and Katie Shafar from Bayside Refugee Advocacy and Support Association  (BRASA), presented a very interesting talk.  They spoke of how BRASA are very active in providing accommodation, food, phones, cash and many other forms of assistance to refugees living in the community.  They also protest on the roadside and advocate for better treatment of  refugees and asylum seekers.  Katie also spoke of her experience in attempting to assist refugees and asylum-seekers in an off-shore detention facility.   

The powerpoint they presented provides more details:  Download BRASA Powerpoint

Learn more about BRASA by visiting the following site: https://baysiderefugeesupport.org