SWAN Constitution and Committee Code of Conduct

The Constitution accessed by the following link is based on the 2012 Model Rules (the most recent version).   



Code of Conduct for Committee (#) Members

Updated 11 March 2021

  •  I will ensure that I fully understand the contents of the SWAN constitution, act in accordance with it and within the law, and abide by any policies and procedures adopted by SWAN.
  •  I will support the purposes of SWAN, championing it, and use any skills or knowledge I have to further those purposes, as my time permits.
  •  I will attempt to be an active member of the Committee, making my skills, experience and knowledge available to SWAN and associated sub-groups of SWAN as my time permits.
  •  I will always act respectfully in my dealings with Committee members, the broader membership and members of the community and respect confidentiality.
  •  I will work cooperatively within the Committee to encourage decisions to be reached by consensus as far as possible - by collective decision-making, accepting majority decisions of the Committee and supporting such decisions of SWAN as appropriate. To the best of my ability I will engage in discussion, debate and voting in meetings; contributing in a considered and constructive way, listening respectfully to the opinions of others and challenging sensitively.   
  •  I will ensure I seek approval of the SWAN Committee in the event that I intend to take any form of public action or public correspondence in the name of SWAN.
  •  I will not seek to gain materially or financially from my involvement with SWAN unless specifically authorised to do so and will declare any conflicts of interest that arise.
  •  I will act in the best interests of SWAN as a whole, and not as a representative of any other group.
  •  If unable to attend a SWAN Committee or sub-group meeting, I will submit an apology to the Convener of the meeting.
  •  Should I wish to cease being a Committee member at any time, I will inform the Chairperson in writing.

 # The word ‘Committee’ also refers to any sub-committee or working group that operates in the name of SWAN